AGM Meeting 2024

On November 3rd the annual Club AGM takes place at the Gaydon Motor Museum, CV35 0BJ.  All members/join members are welcome to come along. Calling of the AGM – PDF Agenda – PDF (6/5/24) Draft minutes – PDF to be ratified and approved at the next (2025) AGM.

The clubs CLASSIFIED site

One of the common emails sent to the club is from people wishing to sell their Series 2 for various reasons but they’re not sure how and where to do this and do it easily!  The club has now implemented its own simple to use Classifieds service for anyone to use. This is a free service.  All submitted adverts are checked before being posted on our webpage.  Only website logged in members can view the contact details of a seller, everyone else can send a message to the seller using the advert contact form.  As a seller, if you log into the club website first, you can edit your advert once posted as well as mark the vehicle as sold.  If you don’t log in then these features are not available to you, you can still post an advert.  This service is being trialled for 12 months – use it or loose it!

Emberton Imperial attending the Rally – 10% discount

We have arranged for Emberton Imperial to attend the Rally campsite on Friday 9th and Saturday 10th when they will bring a stock of popular items to sell at the Rally.  There is 10% off items across the range excluding the floors as unfortunately they cannot sustain a 10% discount. The discount is applicable to everything else in the series 2, 2a categories of their website.  You can pre-order them by contacting them either using WhatsApp via their website or email through your order, quoting S2CRALLY, for payment and collection at the Rally. The discount is only valid for orders being collected at the Rally, they cannot ship these discounted orders Whilst at the rally you can also order items – large or small – on the Friday, collection on the Saturday.  Payment can be made at the rally and all with a 10% discount. [email protected] This offer is also open to all members within a radius of 50 miles of the campsite- NR21 7NY.  Payment and collection at the rally.

NEC Show – November

8-10 November 2024 The S2C will once more be attending this years Classic Motor show at the NEC in November.  Use the code CCCNOV265 to obtain a club discount on advance tickets.

FBHVC consultation

On the 9 May there was a government announcement of a wide-ranging consultation about the registration of historic vehicles.  The consultation offers FBHVC member clubs (including the S2C) the opportunity to shape the creation and evolution of policies to preserve our ability to restore, register, and use historic vehicles efficiently and fairly for tomorrow’s roads.  For more information on how to contribute to the survey see

Win £500

The celebrate the club’s 40th anniversary all club members* will be entered into a free, special draw with the chance to win a £500 voucher to spend with our long-term sponsors, Paddock Spares with five runner ups winning a years free Club subscription.  The draw will take place at the Fakenham Rally, 10th August 2024.  More details can be found on page 4 of the Spring 2024 edition of ‘Built 2 Last’ including how to opt out of the draw.   * paid up members on the day of the draw, including lifetime members but excludes complimentary memberships.

Rally booking

You can now book into the Fakenham Rally using the online form  The form gives the organisers an idea who is bringing their caravan, their tent, what activities people wish to join etc.  You can also pay online but please, you still need to fill out the form, not just make the payment.  A downloadable form can also be found at As we get closer to the Rally those booked in will be kept up to date via Built 2 Last and via email so you won’t miss out on anything.  See you there! [email protected]

Service Sheets

Club members have access to near on 200 Land Rover Service Sheets providing information that the workshop manuals missed.  Recommended upgrades, changes in spec throughout the years etc.  Our library has recently been added to and re-indexed but there’s one service sheet we are missing, do you have it, it’s Vol 2, no 26A, which was published between Nov 67-Feb 68.  Can you help complete our library? HOT NEWS – no 26a has been found making our Service sheet library even more complete!!

Vehicle Wiki

In addition to the wealth of knowledge held in the numerous forum posts we now also have a vehicle wiki, one place that contains the vast knowledge we collectively have for everyone to use. We have a wiki ‘manager’, Sam, to support the development and growth of this valuable resource for club members.

AGM 2023 Results

The 2023 AGM was a great success with good attendance and unanimous votes for proposed changes to your club.  For more detailed information please see the forum post.

We would like to hear from you. Please send us a message by filling out the form below and we will get back to you shortly.  If your question is about the forum, email Alan – [email protected], he’s in charge.

If you wish to make an enquiry about your vehicle being MOT exempt either fill in the form below or email your enquiry to Alex Bywaters – [email protected].

Classified Vehicle Sales

Soon you will be able to advertise your Series vehicle – not parts – for free on our very own classified pages.  Currently this feature is being fine tuned, release planned for the end of September 2024.

Send your photos to our Social Media officer – Tom Wright, for use on the clubs social platforms.  Thank you.

If you find a YouTube workshop video that you think others would enjoy watching then please do let us know by filling in the details below.  We can then add it to this webpage.

Membership Overdue

It appears that your membership is overdue (expiry ).  If you wish to continue to access the ‘Members Section’ pages then please renew your membership by visiting

Please enter as much information as you can.  You will be able to upload documents as the last step of this form.