Edit your club membership profile. You can update your contact and vehicle details
You can pay by credit/debit card, using Stripe or PayPal or set up a Direct Debit mandate. Please consider using the Direct Debit method of payment, it saves the club time and money and you’ll never forget paying your subs. You can cancel at any time.
Or you can download a membership form in Word format or a PDF, fill in and post the completed form with a cheque payable to “Series 2 Club Ltd.” to:-
Series 2 Club Ltd.
BM 7035
Only post membership related correspondence to this address.
Please allow 28 days for us to process your membership and send out your Welcome Pack. The pack contains a welcome letter, your membership card, window sticker and the latest copy of the club magazine ‘Built 2 Last’.
If you have a problem you can contact our Membership Secretary, Chris Mortimer on [email protected] or phone 07887 658372 (preferable evenings).
The Series 2 Club membership system is powered by
Click here to see a summary of Benefits on joining the Club.
Membership is conditional that you accept and agree to abide by the Club Rules. Please read the Club Rules and the Memorandum & Articles of Association of the Series 2 Club Ltd.
By giving my email address I agree to receive emails and newsletters sent out by the club which may contain special club offers and Land Rover related advertisements.
Please read our Data Protection Policy.
We would like to hear from you. Please send us a message by filling out the form below and we will get back to you shortly.
If you wish to make an enquiry about your vehicle being MOT exempt either fill in the form below or email your enquiry to Alex Bywaters – [email protected].
Classified Vehicle Sales
Soon you will be able to advertise your Series vehicle – not parts – for free on our very own classified pages. Currently this feature is being fine tuned, release planned for the end of September 2024.
Send your photos to our Social Media officer – Tom Wright, for use on the clubs social platforms. Thank you.
If you find a YouTube workshop video that you think others would enjoy watching then please do let us know by filling in the details below. We can then add it to this webpage.
Membership Overdue
It appears that your membership is overdue (expiry ). If you wish to continue to access the ‘Members Section’ pages then please renew your membership by visiting https://series2club.co.uk/how-to-join/
Please enter as much information as you can. You will be able to upload documents as the last step of this form.