If you are a Series 2 Club member then LOG INTO the club website first before placing your advert. Doing so will give you access to more advert options including the ability to manage your advert and the option for you to mark your vehicle as ‘Sold’. If you don’t wish to log in or you’re not a club member then you can ask for your vehicle to be marked as ‘Sold’ by emailing [email protected].

Currently only Series 2 Club members who have logged in the club website can place an advert – login.

Use this page to advertise a vehicle only. If you wish to sell parts then please use the Forum.

Include as much information as you can in your advert e.g.

Club members who have logged into the website will be able to display your contact details. Any text you add into the ‘Description’ box is world readable so beware, if you add your contact details in this box anyone will be able to contact you – which you may want.

A rough location helps people decide if it’s worth a trip. Don’t give exact address, a county will be enough.

The more information you can add the less general enquiries you will receive, focusing on the serious buyers.

As for the price to ask, it’s impossible to give an easy answer for this. You’re best to look online and work out what’s a sensible price. Some specialist tend to charge top money, auctions can more realistic. The best advice is do your homework. At the end of the day what price would you be happy with.

ALL adverts are moderated meaning they will be checked first before being advertised.

Adverts are displayed for 60 days. It is free to place an advert.

Log in to this website to see the advert submission form

We would like to hear from you. Please send us a message by filling out the form below and we will get back to you shortly.

If you wish to make an enquiry about your vehicle being MOT exempt either fill in the form below or email your enquiry to Alex Bywaters – [email protected].

Classified Vehicle Sales

Soon you will be able to advertise your Series vehicle – not parts – for free on our very own classified pages.  Currently this feature is being fine tuned, release planned for the end of September 2024.

Send your photos to our Social Media officer – Tom Wright, for use on the clubs social platforms.  Thank you.

If you find a YouTube workshop video that you think others would enjoy watching then please do let us know by filling in the details below.  We can then add it to this webpage.

Membership Overdue

It appears that your membership is overdue (expiry ).  If you wish to continue to access the ‘Members Section’ pages then please renew your membership by visiting https://series2club.co.uk/how-to-join/

Please enter as much information as you can.  You will be able to upload documents as the last step of this form.